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Health Benefits

Medical Coverage

Medical insurance is provided by Blue Cross/Blue Shield of Illinois. Employees can choose either the  Standard Plan or Premium Plan. Both offer coverage for expenses such as doctor’s office visits, preventive care, prescription drugs, and hospitalization. Most preventive care services are covered at 100% and you do not need a referral from a primary care provider to see a specialist unless required by the provider.

Medical coverage is available to City employees working at least 20 hours per week in a regular (non-temporary or seasonal) position. Employees who typically work fewer than 40 hours will have pro-rated benefits.

About the plans:

  • Blue Cross/Blue Shield (BCBS) plans are customized PPO (Participating Provider Option) plans.

  • A PPO lets you choose where you go for care, without a referral from a primary care physician (unless required) or having to only use providers in your plan's provider network.

  • If you stay in-network, your costs are lower. If you choose a provider outside the network, your costs will be higher.

  • For certain common conditions, you can also choose a virtual visit 24 hours a day, seven days a week by mobile app, online video or phone.

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Medical Benefits

Vision Coverage

The City's vision plan is voluntary offered through Dearborn National.

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Dental Coverage

City of Urbana dental enrollees have access to two plans: Delta Dental Network PPO and Delta Dental Premier. Both plans allow you to go to any in- or out-of-network general or specialty dentist at the time of treatment. There are 143,000 Delta Dental PPO and 223,000 Delta Dental Premier dentist locations nationwide.

Network PPO Plan

This plan option is similar to a medical HMO plan in that it provides deeper discounts that result in savings to enrollees in exchange for a smaller number of covered providers.

Employee Only: $27.67/mo.

Employee + Spouse: $55.32/mo.

Employee + Child(ren): $64.11/mo.

Family: $105.20/mo.

Premier PPO Plan

The Premier PPO plan offers a greater range of provider coverage. Employees selecting this plan have access to participating Delta Dental Premier dentists (who are not in the PPO network) while still receiving the benefit of that dentist's contracted fee.

Employee Only: $38.32/mo.

Employee + Spouse: $76.64/mo.

Employee + Child(ren): $87.99/mo.

Family: $144.59/mo.

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Dental Coverage
Vision Coverage

City of Urbana | 400 S. Vine St., Urbana, IL. 61801 | 217-384-2326

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